Purchase Issue 11


Manny Loley

Bluebird’s Song

At emergence
bluebird was singing
with deep blue wings
like dawn rising
flying near the mountain’s crest
bluebird called out 
I ascend White Shell Mountain
At the summit, I come upon the Holy People
At the apex, the Holy People speak to me
their language is corn
tassels dancing
corn pollen
all around
beauty and harmony
like this, they speak to me
be still
can you hear it
on White Shell Mountain
I am whole, peaceful
with this, I return 
with this, I will be strong
with this, I weave my life into being
with this, let there be oneness 



Manny Loley is ‘Áshįįhi born for Tó Baazhní’ázhí; his maternal grandparents are the Tódích’íi’nii and his paternal grandparents are the Kinyaa’áanii. Loley is from Casamero Lake, New Mexico. He holds an M.F.A. in fiction from the Institute of American Indian Arts and he is a current Ph.D. candidate in English and literary arts at the University of Denver.